Impact of Diagnostic Uncertainty in Modern Psychiatry


Medicalisation of mental health

How to Cite

Chaturvedi, S. (2025). Impact of Diagnostic Uncertainty in Modern Psychiatry. The Physician, 9(3), 1-8.


Diagnosis remains a crucial aspect of treatment, prognosis, and recovery, and therefore indispensable for any progress in medicine. Psychiatry, the branch of medicine focused on mental health, has evolved significantly over the decades. However, more than any other branch of medicine, psychiatry is still in a stage of early evolution – defining diagnosis and treatment, and its delivery to patients. Despite research investment, funding of specialist institutions and development of a highly qualified workforce, the progress in alleviating the mental distress in the community remains disappointingly suboptimal. It is thought that the significant expansion of diagnoses in psychiatry, often without firm scientific evidence, is one of the reasons behind the apparent lack of progress in provision of adequate mental health services.

Diagnosing psychiatric conditions remains a complex and nuanced process. Unlike other medical specialties, psychiatry lacks definitive biological markers for most conditions, relying heavily on subjective assessments, patient self-reports, and behavioural observations. This introduces several diagnostic dilemmas that challenge even the most experienced clinicians.

As the advent of disease specific treatment protocol heightens the necessity of accurate diagnostic procedures, this article explores the familiar challenges in modern psychiatric diagnosis and highlights their implications for patients as well as healthcare providers. Despite promising research, no single biological marker has yet been unequivocally identified for mental disorder.


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