Background: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a condition that affects a woman's emotions, physical health, and behaviour during certain days of the menstrual cycle, generally just before her menses. Past studies show that PMS harms daily activities. This study assessed the impact of PMS on work-related quality of life.
Objectives: The study aims to conduct a premenstrual syndrome assessment, assess its impact on productivity, and provide a baseline premenstrual syndrome and Work-Related Quality of Life assessment so that subsequent assessments can be compared and interpreted. The study also aims to link the effectiveness of control measures, welfare programs, and employee engagement, promoting employee well-being and individual productivity.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among the women employees of a pressure cooker manufacturing company. 71 eligible women employees were included in this study. Screening for premenstrual syndrome was done using a validated premenstrual syndrome (PMSS Scale), and the impact of premenstrual syndrome was assessed using a work-related quality of life scale (WRQoL).
Results: Around 23% of participants had premenstrual syndrome, and 75% had good work-related quality of life. Around 88% of the study participants without premenstrual syndrome had good work-related quality of life, whereas among the participants with premenstrual syndrome, around 36% only had good WRQoL.
Conclusions: This study’s results showed that one in four women employed had premenstrual syndromes. The majority of the participants had good work-related quality of life, but women employees with PMS had significantly lower quality of life.
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