Neurodiversity refers to the inherent differences in the structure and functioning of the brain causing neurological variations. These include but are not limited to Autism, ADHD, Learning disabilities, Tourette’s syndrome. However, the understanding of these conditions and the support available has considerable scope for improvement, and new advances are continually being made. This leads to a vast disparity in the support systems available for the neurodiverse community across different countries. This paper comprises of two parts; the first half includes an analysis of the global support systems for neurodiverse conditions based on the current research available for different regions; the second half includes a primary research study conducted supported by gap-identification analysis of Mumbai’s (India) neurodiverse support system. A set of suggestions is formulated based on observations such as the lack of a multidisciplinary approach, poor levels of coordination, low levels of inclusion in the education sector from the research survey, to improve the support provided to the neurodiverse community. Based on these evidence-based solutions further research can be conducted to mitigate the problems faced by the neurodiverse community and its coexisting support systems.
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