Key points:
In the current climate, it is essential that all professionals dealing with children are aware of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome. The children may present in primary care, emergency department or to Paediatrics with a variety of symptoms. Majority of the children have mild or moderate symptoms, though the small minority may deteriorate quickly.
- Early recognition and diagnosis of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome are essential to ensure early treatment and reduce morbidity and the risk of long-term complications particularly coronary artery aneurysms.
- Children from BAME backgrounds appear to be more commonly affected. The reasons for this are likely to be multifactorial including socio-economic factors3, health care seeking behaviour, but possible genetic influences on susceptibility15 also need researching. Preliminary signals must be explored urgently16. Data collection on ethnicity should be included in all future studies.
- Children with mild to moderate disease require only supportive care. For more severe cases particularly if they have comorbidities and or are from BAME group, the involvement of specialists and referral to Paediatric intensive care should be considered early.
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